2013년 11월 10일 일요일

transferred] Is Grain Good or Bad to us?

                                                                    Written by Amira Lee    4mytmw

What Is Grain?

According to dictionaries, Grain is; -
  1. a relatively small granular partial of a substance
  2. food stuff prepared from the starchy grains of cereal grasses
  3. small, hard and dry seeds

Kinds of Grain

Grain helps your brain as we believed, and it is still true. However we cannot neglect one element of grain – carbohydrates. For a long time scientists and food resource researchers represented endless and different insistence. For weight trainers and diabetic people the carbohydrate is one of ‘must be away’ source. Grain is main supplier of carbohydrates, it builds our body, give us energy and harms at same time. Scientific American dot com strongly insisted that Whole –grain foods are Not Always Healthful. Then let us see what kinds of grain we eat.

Cereal grains; contain much starch, a carbohydrate that supplies dietary energy to our body
Pea grains ; have higher protein than other plat foods
Oil seeds grains
Vegetable oils ; supply dietary energy


We cannot avoid ourselves from grain because it is involved in almost of our main meals. By the way some of carbohydrate is very important for our life. Therefore I recommend this opinion of Harvard School of Public Health.

“The quality of the carbohydrates you eat is at least as important as the quantity”

This article is transferred from my other account.
Thanks for your reading.

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